In this page you can find the links to different case studies carefully picked by EuroTAB from both Assistant Trainer and Trainer Candidate applications.
We believe that writing and presenting case studies is a powerful means to enhance professional exchange and therfore want to share it beyond the limited scope of applications. The case studies presented here vary in form, content and tone, but all of them convey clarity of presentation and richness of interaction that transmit the intrecacies of our work.
In reading them, please bare in mind that they are meant to inspire, not to be copied.
We like to thank their authors for their generosity and willingness to share their work.
Sonia Amicucci: Monica
Scott Clark: James
Liat Fisch: Lara
Sabina Graf-Pointner: Margarete
Marc Lacy: "R"
Raz Ori: Orit
Eitan Sarig: "E"
Sabine Stadler Okuno: Margaret
Philip Unseld: Adam
Galit Yarden: Gil